Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Away too long again!!!

SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! Things always seem to get hectic and i forget all about this!!!
Anyways, yet again i've been crocheting again, here's a few of my creations!!

Mousey ears!!!
My neighbour asked me to make her son a set of mouse ears for his nativity play!! Was a bit of a challenge to start with but this is what i came up with!!

Xmas Pudding Hat!!
I really wanted to get my daughter a xmas puding hat, unfortunately they only really make them for babies, so... i made my own!!!

Floral Headband!!
Fancied making myself a headband, stupid me picked a colour that doesn't really work with my current hair colour, but otherwise is a lovely item!!

Hope you all like!!
Fingers crossed it won't be months till the next post!! Hehehe!!

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